Entries by Thomas Gabrielczyk

Confusion in Germany about useful genetic testing

The extent to which vested interests can delay innovation can currently be seen in the introduction of screening for the dominantly inherited disease familial hypercholesterolaemia, the benefits of which have already been proven in the UK and the Netherlands.

Emfret presents novel anticoagulant

German biotech spin-out Emfret Analytics  GmbH & Co. KG has presented a first in class anticoagulant that helps preventing heart attacks and stroke while showing less adverse effects than approved meds.

Evotec axes 400 jobs worldwide

After the drug discovery specialist Evotec SE lowered its annual forecast and lost almost 75% of its market capitalisation in just eight months, the new CEO, Christian Wojczewski, is taking action and closing non-profitable areas.

Nitrogenases also can fix CO2

Investigating substrate selectivity of nitrogenase enzymes in phototrophic R. capsulatus bacteria, German microbiologist have found one converting CO2 to formiate and methane opening the way to fossil oil-free hydrocarbon synthesis